Sunday, October 24, 2021

Amazing World: Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident

 I hate to be cynical but these promising discoveries never make their way to the public. I have been following treatments fro cancer for years, but they all seem to go to "development hell"--never to see the light of day. They are either never heard from again, or are written off as a false hope.

There was a controversy with amygdalin back in the 1970's. The man made form of  amygdalin is called Laetrile. There was great hope of it being the cure for cancer and many doctors were treating their cancer patients with it successfully. But "Big Pharma" seemed to get involved and squashed it. The FDA outlawing its use in the USA. There is a lot of confusing literature on it.

But what convinced me it was true, was a little documentary called "Second Opinion." It tells the story how a major USA testing laboratory falsified the findings about its effectiveness. It really did work.

Amygdalin can be found in high doses in nature in apple seeds and especially bitter apricot seeds. The claim is they are poisonous but they are not. Some things can appear dangerous by the composition of the chemical names, like cyanide in found in vitamin B12. The structure is as important as much as the chemicals.

2nd opinion documentary film from Balance Field on Vimeo.

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