Showing posts with label Amazing World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing World. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Rethinking Mexico City: A Vision for Resilience, Renewal, and Revolutionary Technology

Mexico City, a marvel of human achievement, stands as both a symbol of resilience and a reminder of the cost of thriving in a challenging environment. Built atop the ancient city of Tenochtitlán, it has weathered centuries of earthquakes, floods, and the relentless pressure of expansion. Yet, the city that has been called the "Heart of Mexico" now faces challenges that threaten its very survival. 

As its aquifers dry up, its buildings sink, and its residents struggle to breathe clean air, one question grows louder: How can we ensure a future worthy of this city’s rich past? New technologies like Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR) could help write the next chapter of Mexico City's story—a chapter of renewal, sustainability, and innovation.

But solutions as bold as these demand vision, courage, and a willingness to let go of old ways in favor of what could be.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Origin of Life ?

 Are we getting closer to discovering how life first emerged?

Will scientists be able to create life in a lab in our lifetimes?

Dr. James Tour is a chemist and nanotechnologist who has been following origin-of-life research closely for years. Discusses these questions and more.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Amazing World: St. Charbel's miracle in Phoenix

I recently saw a post on FB mocking Christian miracles.

I believe miracles happen, but some "Christians" make it into a superstition or a business. They DEMAND a healing from God. Magic is when one claims power over the world according to one's own will, not God's.

Why does God allow bad things to happen ? I don't know.

But when we pray we ASK not demand a miracle. Prayer is always submissive to God's will. That is not to say that one can not keep praying, but it is pleading and asking not demanding. Jesus even said to persevere in asking.

Luke 18:1 : "Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray at all times and not lose heart"

Here is an example of a miracle below. A woman was healed from being blind here in Phoenix, about 5 years ago.

There are millions of miracles all over the world. But in the Catholic Church it needs to be documented to classified a miracle.
Meaning -- if it is an illness, the illness needs to be well documented by medical science, and it needs to be documented as an unexplainable healing, again by scientific  investigation.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Amazing World: St. Charbel: The Saint with the Most Miracles Ever?

 Fr. Chris Alar explains the incredible life, miracles, and incorruptibility of St. Charbel (or Sharbel) Makhlouf of the Maronite Rite in Lebanon. His feast day is July 24.

Since 1950, the year the monastery began to formally record the miraculous healings, they have archived more than 29,000 miracles, Matar said. Prior to 1950, miracles were verified only through the witness of a priest. Now, with more advanced medical technology available, alleged miracles require medical documents demonstrating the person's initial illness and later, their unexplainable good health.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

God, UFOs, and The Physics of Star Wars with Hugh Ross

Astrophysicist Hugh Ross, the founder of Reasons To Believe, talks to The Babylon Bee about extraterrestrial alien life, UFOs, and the reasons from science to believe in the God of the Bible. They also talk about how faster than light travel would completely kill you dead.

Monday, July 11, 2022

10 shocking things I've learned as a pharmacist

The culture shock between pharmacy school and the real world is mind-boggling.

I assumed that pharmacy school would largely reflect the real world. How wrong I was! The culture shock between pharmacy school and the real world is mind-boggling.
figure image

Dennis Miller, RPhStudents graduate with egos that professors have built to stratospheric levels and with a belief that they are God’s gift to our healthcare system. Then, in the real world, they are immediately confronted with the realization that the only thing that matters is how fast they fill prescriptions.

What about you? Did you graduate from pharmacy school with noble ideas about promoting health? Did you find yourself becoming more skeptical, the more you experienced the real world?

Here’s my list of what shocked me the most. What would yours look like? (This is not a rhetorical question. Please write and tell me.)
Pills rather than prevention

1. I was shocked to see that our healthcare system prefers to throw pills at people with elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar (type 2 diabetes), elevated cholesterol, and other diseases of modern civilization rather than aggressively focus on a diet of whole, nonprocessed foods, lifestyle change, and weight loss.

The Merck Manual (16th edition, p. 984) says that most cases of hypertension and type 2 diabetes are preventable: “Thus weight reduction will lower the BP [blood pressure] of most hypertensives, often to normal levels, and will allow 75% of type 2 diabetics to discontinue medication.” Ninety percent of diabetics have diagnoses that fall under the heading of type 2.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Amazing World: Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident

 I hate to be cynical but these promising discoveries never make their way to the public. I have been following treatments fro cancer for years, but they all seem to go to "development hell"--never to see the light of day. They are either never heard from again, or are written off as a false hope.

There was a controversy with amygdalin back in the 1970's. The man made form of  amygdalin is called Laetrile. There was great hope of it being the cure for cancer and many doctors were treating their cancer patients with it successfully. But "Big Pharma" seemed to get involved and squashed it. The FDA outlawing its use in the USA. There is a lot of confusing literature on it.

But what convinced me it was true, was a little documentary called "Second Opinion." It tells the story how a major USA testing laboratory falsified the findings about its effectiveness. It really did work.

Amygdalin can be found in high doses in nature in apple seeds and especially bitter apricot seeds. The claim is they are poisonous but they are not. Some things can appear dangerous by the composition of the chemical names, like cyanide in found in vitamin B12. The structure is as important as much as the chemicals.

2nd opinion documentary film from Balance Field on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Amazing World: The Forgotten Great American Titan--- George Westinghouse

Westinghouse was one of the great Americans, although forgotten by most. He has become famous again only by association with Nicola Tesla-- who was also a forgotten man until about 20 years ago. George is an example of what the free market can do with a virtuous man at the helm. He was a Christian and tried to live it

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Amazing World: Glass Batteries-- Dr. Goodenough

 Possible big breakthrough in battery technology, by  John B. Goodenough, inventor of the lithium battery.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Amazing World: Boy Genius

 This boy now a man, has an incredible gift of being able to do complicated math in his head. He can learn a new language in a week.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Amazing World: A Millionaire Pretended to be Poor to Find a Wife

 This a story fairy tale story. It is also a parable. God wants us to love Him not for what He can give us but for who He is. Will we still love God when things go bad? It is difficult but this is the test that God uses to purify our love.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Importance of Catholic Prayer in the Spiritual Life: A Reflection on the pop song of Cliff Richard's “It’s So Funny We Don’t Talk Anymore”

 In a moment of serendipity this week, I found myself pondering a pop song that played on the radio at work. I couldn't get it out of my...