Friday, July 30, 2021

faith formation: Manifestation of Conscience

 Fr. Goring is on fire with pearls of wisdom for the spiritual life. Here  talks about how one should pray to know your soul as God sees it. To know your faults and sins, especially the ones you are not conscious of.



There was a practice of revealing your innermost thoughts to your spiritual father in religious orders, but it was not the sacrament of confession. The practice has fallen out favor because of abuses and other complications. There is a problem of the inner and external forum.

For example a married priest shouldn't hear his wife's confession, unless it is a dire emergency. It makes interpersonal relationships very complicated.

It creates complications because similar to the seal of confession, "manifestations of conscience" has a kind of seal of secrecy, and confidentiality, which makes it hard to navigate when one, as a superior, can act or can't.

To curb such abuses  Pope Leo XIII, 17 December 1890, "Quemadmodum" forbade both mandatory manifestation of conscience and the practice of superiors inducing their subjects to make such manifestations.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

faith formation,: Guardian Angel Prayer is Not a Joke - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

 Fr. Goring is spot-on, on this. My sister got me praying to my guardian angel on a regular basis and I can tell you amazing things happen.

Another thing to consider is our guardian angel has no other job; other than to help you to get to heaven and protecting you. I mean the saints in heaven are patrons of other causes, nations, and peoples. Not that that diminishes them in any way, but your guardian angel is your best friend, he has nothing to do but help you-- this is all!

And it isn't like he is just helping you till he get another job. After you die he will still be with you in heaven. He will not get reassigned to someone else, he is your absolutest bestest friend.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

faith formation: Step by Step --Patience Wins

Some more great thoughts from Fr. Goring.

Perseverance and trusting  the Lord gains everything.

Romans 5:3-5
"…Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.…"

Founding of Christendom: Succession of Popes begins: Popes St. Linus and St. Cletus -- post 13

Little information survives about the governing of Rome during Emperor Vespasian's ten-year rule.

After successfully defeating Judaea, and Nero's death, with a succession of equally doomed  emperors in one year,(known as: "The Year of the Four Emperors") Vespasian became Emperor.

Emperor Vespasian reformed the monetary system of Rome, initiated several ambitious construction projects, including the building of the Roman Colosseum. Through his general Agricola, Vespasian increased imperial expansion in Britain. After he died at age 69, in 79 AD, he was succeeded by his eldest son Titus, becoming the first Roman emperor to be succeeded by his natural son, and establishing the Flavian dynasty.

Deposit of the Faith: The Ancient Jewish Roots of the Catholic Church - John Bergsma

 Here is an excellent interview about the continuity of the Faith from ancient Judaism to the Catholic Church. It is choppy at parts because of  a bad connection, be patient; it worth listening to.

Taken from the you tube channel:

Intellectual Conservatism

Monday, July 26, 2021

faith formation: the Eternal Complainer

 St. Maryam of Bethlehem, who never complained. What a wonderful gift!!The Blessed Mother told her to always be content. And it was also revealed that Satan is the eternal Complainer.

faith formation: Temper and Trust in God

A result of defeatist language--Temperamental Lingo-- is it leads to Temper, a form of pride. Temper is when a "right" is subjectively claimed, and force is objectively used. It is an expression of pride and not getting one's way.

Temperamental Lingo leads us to claiming a subjective "right" that  works ourselves up until we explode into a temper tantrum--yelling, screaming or stomping, etc...lashing out, (sometimes only in our minds) which is Angry Temper--anger at others or situations, it is followed by Fearful Temper-- anger at one's self.

 It is an expression of pride in both cases.

5 Colossians 3:8
"But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth."

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Founding of Christendom: Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem-- post 12
Destruction of the Temple

 After the martyrdom of St. Peter, the leadership of the Catholic Church was left to Linus who was ordained by Peter a few years earlier. Not much is known of Linus other  than he was a former slave, St. Paul loved him, Peter trusted him and he was with St. Paul in his last hours.

St. Mark returned to Alexandia in Egypt after Peter's death. He ministered as best he could to the Christians there. A strong tradition in Egypt holds that in the year 68 AD, Easter Sunday fell on the same feast day of the pagan god Serapis. St. Mark was seized by Serapis worshipers and dragged through the streets until he was dead.  

Meanwhile in Jerusalem Christians were being rounded up beginning in 64 AD. St. James the Just was no longer there to help. He was martyred two years before. Like the situation of St. Stephan, the Roman proconsul had suddenly died in 62 AD. The Jews took advantage of the power vacuum-- arresting and killing.

This persecution produced the inspiration for the Letter to the Hebrews, to strengthen the leaderless Church of Jerusalem. Probably dictated by St. Paul in Hebrew or Arimaic and later translated into Greek by St. Luke.

This has been a controversy for a long time but early Church historian Eusebius states that "some have rejected the Epistle to the Hebrews, saying that it is disputed by the church of Rome, on the ground that it was not written by Paul." In response, he endorses the view of Clement of Alexandria: that the epistle was written by Paul in Hebrew (unsigned through modesty), and translated  into Greek by Luke, similar in style with Luke's Acts. [Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. 6.14.2–3 (text), citing Clement's Hypotyposes,]

Fall of Jerusalem

Shortly after the Nero persecution broke the replacements of Fesus, the former prefect of Judea, were two succeeding evil men: Albinus and Florus. Both were  greedy, brutal, and stupid.

Nero's brutal rule of the empire led to  revolts all over the Empire. One of the most fierce was in Israel,  by the so-called "Zealots" or the 'Daggermen." This would be the beginning of the end of the Jewish nation of Israel.

Rome had lost her patients with Israel and was going to destroy it once and for all.

Christian Courage: Why are you Catholic?

 Here is a good testimony of why we should be Catholic. There is no secret that the Catholic Church at present is in crisis--in a dramatic way. In Church history we read about the Arias Heresy or Protestant Reformation, Iconoclast Heresy etc... These are known as the great heresies. There have always been wayward  pastors, but these great heresies were so dramatic how they effect the life of the Church, that we are in awe that the Church could survive it.

Ironically many of our saints came out of these crisis of Faith. It is always romantic to read about heroes, but to be in the thick of the war is not romantic-- it is scary.

So my point is, even though the Church is in crisis the sacraments are still available and we can pray and worship God as best we can. It does not depend on how good the priest or bishop is. God will not judge you on their Faith but yours. If corruption comes in our lifetime, we still need to be faithful to what Jesus Christ has past down to us as the deposit of the Faith.

Father or bishop wako will not be around forever, it is just a bad period of time we happen to live in. The testimony below shows the Holy Spirit still calls and inspires even in the midst of the storm.

Here is a link to the above young man's you tube channel

Monday, July 19, 2021

Christian Courage: The Lebanese saint who unites Christians and Muslims, and Huge Miracle in Phoenix

 [editor: St. Charbel worked a great miracle in Phoenix Arizona USA below is the video testimony of the woman healed from blindness]

by Hannah Brockhaus

Annaya, Lebanon,
Jul 23, 2019

St. Charbel Makhlouf is known in Lebanon for the miraculous healings of those who visit his tomb to seek his intercession – both Christians and Muslims.

“St. Charbel has no geographic or confessional limits. Nothing is impossible for [his intercession] and when people ask [for something], he answers,” Fr. Louis Matar, coordinator of the Shrine of St. Charbel in Annaya, Lebanon, told CNA.

Speaking in Arabic with the help of an interpreter, Matar said the shrine, which encompasses the monastery where the Maronite Catholic priest, monk, and hermit lived for nearly 20 years, receives around 4 million visitors a year, including both Christians and Muslims.

Matar, who is responsible for archiving the thousands of medically-verified healings attributed to the intercession of the Maronite priest-monk, said that many miraculous cures have been obtained by Muslims.

faith formation: Self-Speak, Worship and Mental Health

A healthy spirituality must have a healthy mindset and use of language. Not only those words we speak to others, but the self-speak in our  own heads. From our thoughts our emotions are fed. And emotions and thoughts create "the heart" from which the mouth speaks.
As St. James says in 3:2
"... If anyone does not stumble in what he says, this one is a perfect man, able indeed to bridle the whole body."
But the novice in the spiritual life doesn't see words as important. They will often use emotional exaggerated defeatist language in generalities, which must be avoided, For example :
 "this is the worst day";
"These things (bad) always happen to me";
 "It will never get better."
" he is disrespecting me"
Also living in the past, thinking  “if only I had done this …”

While hyperbole is used in scripture at times, it is of an instructive nature; not a way of living our  life.
Language must be accurate and true, not alarmist or defeatist.  Anger or  Fear leads to disobedience, and lack of hope in God. When the people of Israel were freed from slavery all they did was complain. And God said:
"Not one of these - not one of this evil generation - shall see the good land that I swore to give to your ancestors" (Deut. 1:35).
The only Israelites who entered the Promised Land from the Exodus, after 40 years of miracles and wandering, are Caleb and Joshua, the only ones to not lose hope.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

faith formation: A repaired Soul can be more beautiful -- regular confession

We would never say that we should sin to become more beautiful to God but we should sincerely repent and commit to reforming and changing. Some people get discourage by going to confession for the same sins. But we must realize that confession is the best way to gain strength to avoid sin.

Luke 7:47
“I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.”

Monday, July 12, 2021

Amazing World,: The 8th Grade Drop Out Who Invented Dunkin' Donuts-

 A positive attitude can accomplish much. But often we get examples of those who are delusionally  positive---they can't admit something isn't working.

The example of the founder of Dunkin' Donuts shows us that he saw what works and went with that. He also benefited from good mentors. Whatever one wants to do in life it is priceless to get advice from a wise man of experience.

Sirach  27: 12 – ‘Limit the time you spend among fools, but frequent the company of thoughtful men.’

Proverbs 12:15
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice."

Christian Courage: Documentary on St. Augustine a “Voice for All Generations"

Explore the conversion story of one of the most significant figures in church history and learn about his struggle to find answers amid a sea of competing voices. Travel with host Mike Aquilina to fourth-century Rome and Milan to discover why St. Augustine has become a “Voice for All Generations.”

Amazing World: Animal Odd Couples

 The world is an amazing place with so many mysteries.

Here we see the unique relationships developed by humans and other animals.

Here is another video that shows animals make friends even across animal species.

Founding of Christendom: Christianity is Outlawed-- post 11

After the death of Claudius; during the "Five  Golden Years" before Nero took power-- the laws against Jews in Rome were eased. So tradition has it that St. Peter returned to Rome. Whether St. Paul knew this or not is unclear or most likely that St. Peter returned just after his Epistles.

St. Peter probably  returned to Rome around 54-57 AD with a possible break from 57-62 AD. The period of time would be the same  as St. Paul's letter to the Romans and his imprisonment in Roman, after being arrested in Jerusalem.

We surmise that St. Mark wrote his Gospel in Rome under the direction of St. Peter, during his three year stay in Rome, 54-57, AD.

In 58 AD we are told St. Mark arrived in Alexandria, Egypt, without Peter, and founded the Church there. He was asked by St. Peter  to return to Rome from 63 AD to 67 AD.

Nero took power around 60 AD. There was nothing usual at first. He had good advisors Seneca and Burrus, who ran the Empire well waiting for him to attain age. But soon the power got to Nero. He killed his mother; started having drunken orgies and all kinds of indulgences.  He divorced his wife, and married his mistress. He forced Seneca into retirement and Burrus died. Nero more and more gave into passions of egoism and lust.

Romans paid little attention to Christians, at this time. They were considered a strange sect of Judaism. But this was soon to change.

On July 18th 64 AD a 9 day fire destroyed most of Rome; someone was to blame. The people blamed Nero who was known to be lost in his own world of hedonism, and let the fires burn. This is where we get the saying: "Nero fiddled as Rome burned"

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Founding of Christendom: Paul's second Mission-- post 10

Map of Paul the Apostle's Second Missionary Journey in the New Testament

Once again in Antioch of Syria, Paul decided to return to the churches he established. St. Mark wanted to come along again, but Paul didn't want to take him. So Barnabas seemed to work out a compromise. He and Mark would go to Cyprus, their first leg in their first mission, and Paul and Silas, who had come up to join them from Jerusalem, would go to Asia Minor (Turkey) in Taurus Mountains--- part of their second leg.

Paul and Silas reaffirmed the churches at Iconium and Lystra in the Taurus Mountains-. It is speculated that Paul understood those towns to be in the area of Galatia, this will be the churches referred to in his letter to the Galatians.

On the way to Iconium Paul fell sick and was taken care of by the believers there and formed a deep affection for them. Silas and Paul are joined by St. Timothy, in Lystra; one of Paul's most endearing companions. After the town of Lystra, Paul is told by the Holy Spirit not to preach in Asia Minor (Turkey) and make his way to Aegean next to Troy. On the western coast of Turkey.  

In Aegean, St. Luke joins the group. Paul and his group crossed the water to Phillippi, starting his mission in Europe through Macedonia and Greece.

They arrived in Philippi about 51 AD. There were almost no Jews in the town so they preached as they could. Adapting to the environment. Paul exercised a demon from a slave girl, but her owner was not happy with this, because of her demonic gifts, she had made him money. This stirred up a crowd causing riots--- seeking Paul.

Paul was arrested by the Romans of Philippi. He was beaten by rods and imprisoned. Then an earthquake destroyed the prison allowing Paul to escape-- but he didn't. He instead sought to save the soul of his guard on duty. He converted the guard and baptized him and his family.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Founding of Christendom : Council of Jerusalem -- post 9
Apostles Gather for the Dormition of Mary
and the Council of Jerusalem

It has been 7 years since the Apostles left Jerusalem. St. Peter met with much success in Rome. But Simon Magus-- the magician from Acts (cf. Acts 8) appeared in Rome, confronting Peter, his old enemy, causing turmoil and riots to break out. The problem grew to the point that emperor Claudius expelled all Jews--- not making a difference between Christians, Jews, or Gnostics.  Peter headed back to Jerusalem by way of Corinth doing some preaching there.

There may have been a plan for all the Apostles to gather back in Jerusalem at this time, 49 AD for the first council. It can't be documented that all the Apostles were present, but there may be a clue in that tradition holds that all the Apostles were present for the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Both may have coincided. Maybe there were signs that her time was short. They all wanted to be there, and probably thought it practical, at the same time have a council to deal with the problems they were having with the preaching and controversies of the Mosaic law.

Remember they were mainly fishermen and were not prepared to debate the Bible like scholars, so this may have been an opportunity to consult on particular questions.

There is a tradition that St. Thomas came late, after the Blessed Mother's dormition, and wanted to see the body. Recalling the doubting, he had at the resurrection, but there was no body to be found, thus her body was Assumed into heaven, her body in heaven like her son, she is now sitting at his right hand, as Queen Mother already established by Jewish tradition, that the Mother was queen and sits at the king's right side.

Jesus foretold his mother’s place because it was established by Sacred Tradition by God the Father in the Old Testament.
“But to sit on my right hand, or on my left, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared.” (Mark 10:40)

All  the Apostles were converting Gentiles, except St. James "the just,” who stayed in Jerusalem, so there was little doubt that they were doing the right thing, but how to address the questions they were dealing with was needed. James living in Jerusalem sought a compromise, with few a requirements, because he was dealing with only Jews in Jerusalem.

St. Paul returned to Antioch after the council. Peter followed him but started to avoid eating with the Gentiles, probably intimidated by the strength of personality of James, who was the “brother” (cousin) of Our Lord, and so admired by the Jews.

Soon Paul confronted  Peter "to his face" (cf.Galatians 2:11) about him giving into human respect and avoiding eating with Gentiles. Obviously St. Peter wasn't rejecting his teaching, which was just confirmed in council, but Paul was confronting a weak man, in over his head. Peter must have thought often :”Who am I? A fisherman. Telling people how to live? Opposing Mosaic Law?” By his insecurities he failed in this case, to follow what he taught.

I would think St. Paul was more of an encouragement than a hindrance. Paul encouraged Peter to trust in God who chose him, Paul was there to firm up Peter, who in turn was in the office to firm up all the Church.

Jesus predicted this:
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32)

St. Peter, being humble enough to take the correction, didn't seem to miss a beat. He continued to live and evangelize in the region during the reign of Claudius, about 7 years, before returning to Rome. Rome would be impossible to return to until Claudius died, since all Jews were expelled. After the death of Claudius the ban was lifted.

continue to next chapter

faith formation: THE PRESENCE OF GOD-- prayer and virtue


The quest for virtue must begin with prayer. Prayer is the most necessary virtue to acquire.

Why should we pray?

If God knows our needs before even we know them, why do we need to pray?
 "Your Father knows that you have need of all these things." (Matthew 6:32)

Since God was rejected by Adam in the Garden. To a certain extent, Adam shut God out of relationship with humanity; he chose it. The devil thought he had now won.

But there are other avenues God could still use, so that  His relationship with Man would not die, chief among these is prayer.

"For we pray not that we may change the Divine disposition, but that we may entreat that which God has disposed to be fulfilled by our prayers, in other words

"that by asking, men may deserve to receive what Almighty God from eternity has disposed to give," as [St. Gregory the Great ] says (Dial. i, 8) "

(Summa Theologica, II-ii: Question 83--art. 2)

Our personal life on earth, because of the FALL, can be thought of as a door that is constantly closing on certain graces, and all God "needs" is for us to constantly open it; we open the door for Him to act, and receive the graces He wished from all eternity to give us. This is a condition caused by the FALL. We live in a fallen world, with a fallen nature. God warned Adam of this condition.

Founding of Christendom: Paul's First Mission-- post 8

We have covered the Apostles that were the most obscure. So let us now turn our attention to one of  the best documented--- the Apostle St. Paul. We won’t cover his whole story here.

We already witnessed his conversion, and  his short attempt at preaching, before he left to live in Arabia in the desert for three years praying and meditating, to prepare for his mission to preach. He probably had other private revelations and visions of instructions from our Lord at this time too.

St. Paul was already established as a leader in the Church. He was present in Jerusalem when Herod Agrippa the first  died. He was bringing supplies and money from Antioch. St. Paul is the best documented of the Apostles. He earned it. He worked tirelessly and without compromise.

The faithful gathered, in Antioch, for a liturgical  mass in 45 AD for guidance in evangelization. It must have been a great feast for the celebrants were the bishops:
 St. Paul and Barnabas, Simone Niger (thought to be Simone of Cyren the one who helped Jesus' carry his cross) and Manhen, foster brother of Herod Antipas--the same Herod who questioned Jesus himself. Some speculate that this is how we got some of the information of what happened at Jesus' trial with Herod.

St. Luke says in Acts (13:2) that St. Barnabas and St. Paul were to be set aside for a great work. This begins St. Paul the Evangelist on his first missionary journey.

St. Barnabas and St. Paul headed for Cyprus, Barnarbas' home land, with Barnabas' cousin, the young St. Mark, whose house Pentecost took place. The three traveled the whole island and established a method of preaching first in synagogue, and once rejected there, they turned to the Gentiles.

Preaching through the whole island, they reached the  town of Paphos, on the western end. They were asked to explain their doctrine to the Roman proconsul, Sergius Paulos. They were opposed by a Jewish magician, who felt challenged by these foreigners. St. Paul rebuked him and he was stuck blind for his deceit. We are told the proconsul Sergius believed in Christ.

The group of three headed for the main land and they decided to go through the Taurus mountains to the city of Antioch in Pisidia, (Not to be confused with the town of Antioch in Syria) which was a major military colony, the Legion of Lark, started by Julius Caesar. They were mostly soldiers from Gaul (Celtics from western Europe-- mainly France)

The Taurus Mountains would be intimidating to the little group. They towered 2 miles high and the pass to the city they beheld was a real challenge. There were robbers,  no rest areas, or towns along the way-- a grueling haul. It was such a challenging decision that St. Mark decided to go home to Jerusalem. But St. Paul and St. Barnabas decided to go on.

Paul and Barnabas entered the synagogue in Antioch and preached; attracting large crowds even of Gentiles. St. Paul debated the Jews and created quite a stir. Thrown out of the synagogue, Paul and Barnabas went to the Gentiles and established a flourishing Christian community. After so many troubles they went southeast, about a hundred miles, to the town of Iconium.

The same pattern was repeated; they preached in the synagogue first, and then to the Gentiles. Again establishing communities. Then went to the Lystra, where St. Paul healed a cripple. He and Barnabas were hailed as gods. Paul and Barnarbas rejected this, saying "we are just men''. The Jews from the nearby towns came to stir up problems, which ended with St. Paul being stoned and being left for dead. He survived, and went to the next town Derbe, establishing another community.

They backtracked through the four towns again, to firm up the faith and ended up on the shores of the Mediterranean, where they started, when St. Mark had left them. Paul and Barnabas sailed back to Antioch in Syria. This was the year of 49 AD; this ended their 4 year first missionary journey.

Continue to next chapter

Monday, July 5, 2021

faith formation: Fatherhood Prudence and Leadership

There are three styles of fathering:


2. Permissive

3. Leadership

1.) Authoritarian fathering:

uses lots of commands, yelling and threats but little reasoning--draconian in nature.

"Fathers, provoke not your children to indignation, lest they be discouraged." (Colossians 3:21)

“My sons, in my long experience very often I had to be convinced of this great truth. It is easier to become angry than to restrain oneself, and to threaten a boy than to persuade him." (St. John Bosco; Office of Readings, Jan. 31.)

2.) Permissive fathering:

is high on affection but low on authority. Subconsciously children can feel un-loved because they feel not worth the effort to set boundaries. Children raised by permissive parents do not learn age-appropriate behaviors and the consequences for performance or non-performance.

"What  will  become  of  boys  when  from  earliest  youth  they  are  without  teachers?...  to  exercise  this  child’s  soul  in  virtue,  to  that  no  man  any  longer  pays  heed." (St. John Chrysostom-- Vainglory and the Right Way for Parents to Bring Up Their Children #18)

3.) Leadership  fathering:

combines confidence  with reasoning, love, and encouragement. Yelling is avoided.

"Let us be ashamed to assume an attitude of superiority. Let us not rule over them except for the purpose of serving them better.
This was the method that Jesus used with the apostles. He put up with their ignorance and roughness and even their infidelity."
(St. John Bosco; Office of Readings, Jan. 31.)

We wish to focus on leadership fathering, which is what Christ wishes of us. Leadership is the "mean"-- the virtue of prudence, between the Authoritarian and the Permissive approach.

A good  understanding of  the Catholic Faith must be instilled in the children. The Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and love, like perfume, should leave their scent in all activities.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Founding of Christendom: St. Thomas' Second Journey to India- post 7

We rejoin St. Thomas and his travels, after the council of Jerusalem  he traveled back to India, by sea this time.

 A new route to India  was being used by 50 AD ---the monsoon route. discovered by the Greek seaman Hippalos, from Arabia to India;  it shortened the route from a year to about 40 days.

 St. Thomas seems to have stayed on the island of Socotra off the Arabian coast  for some time making converts there, waiting to sail to India. This island was on the sea route using the monsoons.

SomaliaNews on Twitter: "I advise my Somali brothers and sisters not to  focus on Socotra. That Island rightfully belongs to Yemen. Lets focus on  our burnig house. Alshabab Terrorists beheading people and

There is evidence of Christians on the island of Socotra in the 10th century, the Arab geographer Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Hamdani, stated that in his time most of the inhabitants were Christians.  When St. Francis Xavier arrived on the island in 1542, on his way to India, there was still a Christian community in the hills of the island. They claimed St. Thomas brought them the Faith.

A Christian community existed on the island of Socotra all the way up to the 1800's, until they were wiped out by Mulism Wahabis.

There is a strong tradition from both Christian and Hindu that St. Thomas arrived in Cranganore on Malabar on the south west coast of India in the year 52 AD (the time St. Paul was in Corinth). Cranganore was the capital of the Chera kingdom. It is relatively the same area as the present Kerala.

Kerala in India (disputed hatched).svg

It seems Thomas arrived alone. There was no Jewish community in India at this time, so he went to the locals from the start. He probably learned some Prakrit, the language in the north.  on his first mission, using this briefly, till he acquired Tamil, the local language.

The Bramans wrote in Keralolpathi about St. Thomas' arrival:

"Thoman, an opponent of all vedas [came to the Malabar coast and converted] many prominent people in the land"

In another writing, [I can't even pretend to pronounce] Nagargarandhravaryolam, a record  from the family Kalathu Mananotes writes:

"Kali year 3153 [52AD] the foreigner Thomas Sanyasi  came to our village, preached there, causing pollution. We therefore came away from that village."

This Town, Palayoor,  still has a Syro-Malabar  Church on the ruins of a Hindu temple to this day.

Christian tradition holds that there were miracles by the hundreds and baptisms by thousands, St. Thomas was quite successful on his second mission. Jews, who came later, in 68 AD, found a thriving Christian Church.

Though documentation of his efforts are rare, we can see his work by its fruits. When the Europeans arrived in the 1500's, they found a Church, honoring St. Thomas, with a priesthood, which still exists today, with hundreds of thousands of believers.

St. Thomas labored 17 years preaching. When he saw it was a solid community; he moved on to the next kingdom of Chola, near the city of Madras. This is where he was killed by Brahmans, pierced through the heart, by a knife, or a spear; we are not sure. But His tomb is honored by Christian Indians to this day, in the area of Mylapore.

LFTRs: The Game-Changer for Clean, Unlimited Energy— We don't have to wait for Fusion.

  Introduction In the quest for sustainable energy solutions that meet the demands of safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, ...