Saturday, June 18, 2022

Apologetics: The Mass and Back to the Future

I was recently visiting a friend. He was just finishing  the movie “Back to the Future.” I asked if I was disturbing him? He said “ No, I  already watched it yesterday. I was just re-watching it.” He turned the sound off as it continued to visually play in the background.  We had a conversation as the movie played. Just random stuff.

He is a pretty strong Protestant, and religious topics come up a lot between us, but this time, not so much. As we continued to talk, he noticed a part of the movie– now the TV was playing “Back to the Future, part II”, which followed right after the first one.

I remembered the first one pretty well, seeing it a few times in the cinema, in my youth. But the second movie, I think, I watched once on TV, and remembered hardly anything. He filled me in what had happened because it was nearing the end and approaching the climax. We both started to watch together with sound as Doc explains the TIMELINE.

Tariffs, State Banks, and the Key to Economic Growth Without Stagnation

Rethinking Tariffs: Protectionism or Strategy? Few economic topics provoke as much debate as tariffs . Critics warn they lead to stagnation ...