Sunday, October 24, 2021

Amazing World: Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident

 I hate to be cynical but these promising discoveries never make their way to the public. I have been following treatments fro cancer for years, but they all seem to go to "development hell"--never to see the light of day. They are either never heard from again, or are written off as a false hope.

There was a controversy with amygdalin back in the 1970's. The man made form of  amygdalin is called Laetrile. There was great hope of it being the cure for cancer and many doctors were treating their cancer patients with it successfully. But "Big Pharma" seemed to get involved and squashed it. The FDA outlawing its use in the USA. There is a lot of confusing literature on it.

But what convinced me it was true, was a little documentary called "Second Opinion." It tells the story how a major USA testing laboratory falsified the findings about its effectiveness. It really did work.

Amygdalin can be found in high doses in nature in apple seeds and especially bitter apricot seeds. The claim is they are poisonous but they are not. Some things can appear dangerous by the composition of the chemical names, like cyanide in found in vitamin B12. The structure is as important as much as the chemicals.

2nd opinion documentary film from Balance Field on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

faith formation: What is Love? Love does not Dishonor --- post 6


We are continuing our meditation on St. Paul's definition of Love. We have covered patience, and tackled kindness ; we thought about envy. and consider boastfulness. We looked at pride last time now let's look at dishonor [rudeness] and self-seeking, i.e. selfish.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Here are some good point from

Love does not dishonor others [Love is not rude], Love is not self-seeking.           
1 Corinthians 13:5

God’s loving ways and thoughts are far higher and deeper than ours. God is the Sovereign Authority over all there is, and certainly our Superior. Yet, our God speaks to us intimately and with great respect through His Holy Scriptures and Holy Spirit. Even when God must confront us in clear, strong ways about our wrong behavior and tell us hard truths about ourselves, God is never rude. Love does not dishonor others, Love is not rude, Love is not self-seeking.

Amazing World: The Forgotten Great American Titan--- George Westinghouse

Westinghouse was one of the great Americans, although forgotten by most. He has become famous again only by association with Nicola Tesla-- who was also a forgotten man until about 20 years ago. George is an example of what the free market can do with a virtuous man at the helm. He was a Christian and tried to live it

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Amazing World: Glass Batteries-- Dr. Goodenough

 Possible big breakthrough in battery technology, by  John B. Goodenough, inventor of the lithium battery.

Change of Name : The Catholic Pelican Blog

We are changing our name from the "Christian Sparrow" to "The Catholic Pelican Blog". We didn't know that the Christian Sparrow was already a popular name for many blogs. So it became hard for friends to find us on a search engine.

Hopefully this will be better.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Apologetics: 4. You talk of universal persuasion. Men used to believe that the world was flat!

A sufficient reason for that error is evident, viz., lack of data, and the fact that men followed their senses, which seemed to say that the earth was flat.

That was not a judgment of the pure reason. The senses supplied no immediate manifestations that there might be a God as they indicated that the world might be flat.

The cases are not parallel, and the transition from a judgment based upon the senses to one based upon pure reason is not valid. In any case, the scientific and metaphysical proofs justify belief in God quite independently of this psychological reason. They would be valid supposing that only one man in a million believed in God's existence. This latter supposition, however, will never be verified, for the common rational judgment of the vast majority will always intuitively perceive this truth.

Apologetics: 3. I, as a rationalist, ask, "Who created your uncreated clock-maker?"

 That is not a rational question.

I say that the universe is obviously created, and that what is created supposes a Creator who is uncreated, or the problem goes on forever, the whole endless chain of dependent beings as unable to explain itself as each of its links.

It is rational to argue to an uncreated clock-maker. It is not rational to ask, "Who created this uncreated clock-maker?" God was not created. If He were, He would be a creature and would have a creator. His creator would then be God, and not He Himself. God always existed. He never began, and will never cease to be. He is eternal.

Apologetics: 2. What is this evidence for God's existence, apart from the Bible?


There are many indications, the chief of which I shall give you very briefly:

  • The first is from causality.
    The universe, limited in all its details, could not be its own cause. It could no more come together with all its regulating laws than the San Francisco Harbor Bridge could just happen, or a clock could assemble itself and keep perfect time without a clock-maker. On the same principle, if there were no God, there would be no you to dispute His existence.

  • A second indication is drawn from the universal reasoning, or if you wish, intuition of men.
    The universal judgment of mankind can no more be wrong on this vital point than the intuition of an infant that food must be conveyed to the mouth. The stamp of God\'s handiwork is so clearly impressed upon creation, and, above all, upon man, that all nations instinctively believe that there is a God.

    The truth is in possession. Men do not have to persuade themselves that there is a God. They have to try to persuade themselves that there is no God. And no one yet, who has attained to such a temporary persuasion, has been able to find a valid reason for it. Men do not grow into the idea of a God; they endeavor to grow out of it.

Apologetics: 1. Please give me evidence that God exists. I have never had any such evidence. And don't use the Bible, because I don't accept it.

What do you mean by evidence?

Some people think that evidence must be seen and touched, as an animal sees a patch of grass and eats it. But men are not mere animals.

They have reason, and can appreciate intellectual evidence. For example, the evidence of beauty in music or in painting is perceived by man's mind, not by his senses. An animal could hear the same sounds, or see the same colors, without being impressed by their harmony and proportion. Apart from the Bible altogether, reason can detect sufficient evidence to guarantee the existence of God.

Tariffs, State Banks, and the Key to Economic Growth Without Stagnation

Rethinking Tariffs: Protectionism or Strategy? Few economic topics provoke as much debate as tariffs . Critics warn they lead to stagnation ...