Fr. Goring is on fire with pearls of wisdom for the spiritual life. Here talks about how one should pray to know your soul as God sees it. To know your faults and sins, especially the ones you are not conscious of.
There was a practice of revealing your innermost thoughts to your spiritual father in religious orders, but it was not the sacrament of confession. The practice has fallen out favor because of abuses and other complications. There is a problem of the inner and external forum.
For example a married priest shouldn't hear his wife's confession, unless it is a dire emergency. It makes interpersonal relationships very complicated.
It creates complications because similar to the seal of confession, "manifestations of conscience" has a kind of seal of secrecy, and confidentiality, which makes it hard to navigate when one, as a superior, can act or can't.
To curb such abuses Pope Leo XIII, 17 December 1890, "Quemadmodum" forbade both mandatory
manifestation of conscience and the practice of superiors inducing their
subjects to make such manifestations.