Sunday, November 17, 2024

Rethinking Mexico City: A Vision for Resilience, Renewal, and Revolutionary Technology

Mexico City, a marvel of human achievement, stands as both a symbol of resilience and a reminder of the cost of thriving in a challenging environment. Built atop the ancient city of Tenochtitlán, it has weathered centuries of earthquakes, floods, and the relentless pressure of expansion. Yet, the city that has been called the "Heart of Mexico" now faces challenges that threaten its very survival. 

As its aquifers dry up, its buildings sink, and its residents struggle to breathe clean air, one question grows louder: How can we ensure a future worthy of this city’s rich past? New technologies like Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR) could help write the next chapter of Mexico City's story—a chapter of renewal, sustainability, and innovation.

But solutions as bold as these demand vision, courage, and a willingness to let go of old ways in favor of what could be.

The Importance of Catholic Prayer in the Spiritual Life: A Reflection on the pop song of Cliff Richard's “It’s So Funny We Don’t Talk Anymore”

 In a moment of serendipity this week, I found myself pondering a pop song that played on the radio at work. I couldn't get it out of my...